Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper


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October 2023 Battleground winners

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Congratulations to our October 2023 Battleground winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BGs to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, the top 10 players with the most victories will receive a bonus of extra CP and the winner of the most BG wins will obtain the [Flawless Victor] + [PvPstats...
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Top Contributors of September 2023

Post has published by AmrxFlash
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of September 2023. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
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Hamsterwheel’s King of the damage contest pt. 6+7

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Hello again! King of the damage contest It’s time again to show what you’ve got and beat the hell out of our favorite victim: the Training Dummy! Hamsterwheel is looking forward to your company on July 8th and 22nd, 19.00 server time for another damage contest! Like in the past,...
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Chromie needs your help #2

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Please help restore the order of time! Our patron Chromie is on a mission. She has discovered an invasion of the timeline and needs your help to fight the invaders. Bring your strongest weapons and best armor to aid her in her fight! Chromie has identified an agent of time...
ChromieCraft Animated Background

6 months of ChromieCraft

Post has published by shin
Nothing lasts forever... One day, ChromieCraft will die. Just like all other gaming servers and almost everything in life. Many servers last only a few months, some servers last several years, a few for decades. We, of course, hope this day will be very far in the future. But let's...
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Hamsterwheel’s Dummy DPS pt. 5

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Hello again! It’s time again to show what you’ve got and beat the hell out of our favourite victim: the Training Dummy! Hamsterwheel is looking forward to your company on June 24th, 19.00 server time! Like in the past, there are no signups required. So just look at the /world...
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Chromie needs your help!

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Please help restore the order of time! Our patron Chromie is on a mission. She has discovered an invasion of the timeline and needs your help to fight the invaders. Bring your strongest weapons and best armor to aid her in her fight! Chromie has identified an agent of time...
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Recruit a Friend is available now!

Post has published by ChromieHoney
New Recruit-a-Friend system Tell your account ID to your friends! Type .raf in the game to get to know your account ID number for the Recruit-a-Friend feature. You can also see the number from the website. It is listed as "Personal Recruit Code" there. Give it to your friends so...
ChromieCraft artwork by SynfulSyn

Top Contributors of July 2021

Post has published by shin
These are the statistics about the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of July 2021. Featured image by Synful Syn#8234 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers...

Adjustment of poorly aged data

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Dear Time Travellers, We understand that playing on ChromieCraft is a hobby and a sanctuary. So it should not contain poorly aged data. While enjoying our content, we don't want to force anybody to be confronted with real-world issues. For that reason, we've decided to alter or remove references to...
character re-ordering feature

New feature: re-order characters

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Re-order your characters from the homepage Dear Time Travelers, The character re-ordering feature is live on! To re-order your characters log in with your account and head into the "My Account" section. Then click on "Characters" in the menu on the left. From there you can drag your characters...
ChromieCraft Top Contributors June 2021 - header

Top Contributors of June 2021

Post has published by shin
These are the statistics about the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the top contributors of June 2021. Featured image by eBGL_Menios#3709. All code has been released to the public as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie...
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Top Contributors of September 2022

Post has published by AmrxFlash
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of August 2022 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you like...
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Worldboss event: Chromie needs your help #10

Post has published by amberhaze2
Please help restore the order of time! This time Chromie has trapped an enemy of time. Try and prove yourself in the World boss event One-Three-Three-Seven! Our patron Chromie is on a mission. She has discovered an invasion of the timeline and needs your help to fight the invaders in...
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September PvPstats Winners

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Congratulations to our September 2022 PvPstats winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BG to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, per every active bracket, the top 5 players will receive a bonus of extra CP and the flawless victor title for the top-ranked player...
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The Boathwrighte’s Brutal Brawl™ Tournament

Post has published by ChromieHoney
Dear PvP-Enthusiasts, ChromieCraft is a RP-PvE realm where no player should be forced into any kind of world PvP - unless they want to. While we stand by this guideline, we would also like to encourage players to do so. First things first, none of the following features is going...
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August 2022 PvPstats winners!

Post has published by Valsery
Congratulations to our August 2022 PvPstats winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BG to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, per every active bracket, the top 5 players will receive a bonus of extra CP as well as the flawless victor title for the top-ranked...
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