Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper


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Arena Tournament #2

Post has published by robotogm
Greetings Time Travelers! As some of you may remember, we hosted an arena tournament a few months ago, and we feel it is high time we did another one, to close off the level 59 bracket. We will host a second edition of the ChromieCraft PvP Arena Tournament, on the...
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Gnome race event!

Post has published by amberhaze2
Greetings, time travellers This Saturday 13th at 20:00 /8 PM server time we'll be hosting a special event for those interested: A race! But hold on, it's a bit more than that. Only gnomes may participate, freshly made level 1, and without any outside help; be it items from alts,...
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Welcome to ChromieCraft

Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper
Hello, adventurers! It is our great pleasure and honor to introduce to you ChromieCraft, an innovative project inspired by our desire to let all players revive an exciting game experience in the most beloved expansion of all time! Also, thanks to any contribution from our community, we aim to fix...

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