Post has published by Chromie The Time Keeper


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Top Contributors of February 2023

Post has published by AmrxFlash
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of February 2023. All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
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An update on Chromiecraft – 70 Bracket, Releases, Changes etc.

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Dear Time Travelers, We hope you are all having as good 2023 so far as possible. With the 69 bracket about to release on 8th February 2023, we thought it was about time for an update on our plans for 2023 and some changes and releases to note.   Shop...
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PvPstats logo

PvPstats: improvements & Guild Score

Post has published by shin
Dear Time Travellers, We have worked hard to bring some improvements to our PvPstats, the tool showing statistics about Battlegrounds. What's changed: plenty of old code has been cleaned up fixed issue with some pages such as the Top100 taking too long to load new Guild Score feature Guild names...
ChromieCraft Battleground XP boost

Battlegrounds XP boost

Post has published by shin
At ChromieCraft we would like to allow people to play the way they prefer, making sure that the path from 1 to the level cap is amusing for all kinds of players. Players who enjoy PvP are now able to level up in Battlegrounds, where killing members of the opponent...
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Chromie’s upcoming PvP releases

Post has published by AmrxFlash
Dear Time Travelers, Firstly, thank you for your patience whilst we looked into ways to improve the PvP scene here on Chromiecraft, giving incentives for those to play battlegrounds once again. Let us start off with honor. Chromiecraft has been running with a custom honor cap of 200k from the...
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Top Contributors of January 2022

Post has published by Valsery
These are the statistics for the open-source development activity of our project, featuring the Top Contributors of January 2022 All code has been released to the public (under the AGPL license) as part of the AzerothCore project, in line with our philosophy. All the volunteers will be compensated with Chromie Points for their contributions. Would you...
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January 2022 PvPstats winners!

Post has published by Valsery
Congratulations to our January 2022 PvPstats winners! We have distributed 50 Chromie Points (CP) per victory in BG to the top 50 players of all brackets. On top of that, per every active bracket, the top 5 players will receive a bonus of extra CP as well as the flawless victor title for the...
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