ChromieCraft PvP statistics

The statistics count the amount of victories in  
  Battlegrounds starting from 20/12/2020


  12   -  13  
# Character Victories
1Opalmaster 11
2Rosenbrandt 8
3Magnolia 7
4Vendicante 5
5Rivenmain 4
5Legionariox 4
6Murke 3
6Saqra 3
6Romich 3
6Kathryss 3
6Trolldemort 3
7Rodrik 2
7Dakoota 2
7Ciru 2
7Bonehead 2
7Dakota 2
7Reinhil 2
7Lamaro 2
7Infamia 2
7Ersonp 2

Last 7 days

  165   -  174  
# Character Victories
1Opalmaster 62
2Infamia 36
3Rosenbrandt 35
4Saqra 34
5Handsome 32
6Magnolia 30
7Kathryss 29
7Franke 29
8Romich 28
8Fredom 28
9Bloody 26
10Legionariox 25
11Lotustrip 22
11Chaofeng 22
12Galante 20
12Lamaro 20
13Niltzz 19
14Chobungus 18
14Taflawody 18
14Nosre 18

This month

  107   -  100  
# Character Victories
1Opalmaster 57
2Rosenbrandt 26
3Infamia 23
4Romich 22
5Legionariox 21
5Magnolia 21
6Saqra 20
6Kathryss 20
7Murke 18
8Galante 16
9Bloody 15
10Dumika 14
10Lamaro 14
11Nytt 13
11Bubblegun 13
12Thelast 12
12Mojoo 12
13Nemith 10
13Harding 10
13Grie 10


  41853   -  40594  
# Character Victories
1Dumika 5708
2Reily 5691
3Arkonia 3138
4Dakota 2970
4Outplayed 2970
5Bloody 2821
6Xvi 2783
7Waikymas 2775
8Eltnum 2493
9Chobungus 2385
10Rivenmain 2377
11Purity 2083
12Mez 2075
13Eledor 2035
14Brigadoon 1973
15Apatia 1945
16Serpounce 1939
17Rodrik 1919
18Bijo 1894
19Javouchferal 1875

Guilds Today

Guilds Last 7 days

# Guild Victories
1Gruppo d'assalto208
2Angler Management206

Guilds This month

Guilds Overall

# Guild Victories
4Aggressive Otter22427
5La mano de plata17632

The victories of guilds are the amount of victories of each current guild member.