Guild <Debatable> of ChromieCraft

The sum of the victories of all guild members determines the guild score in the Top100.

# Character Level Kills Victories
1 Beppis 70 42951 1215
2 Vasa 70 28613 533
3 Bietzsche 70 12900 433
4 Good 70 7723 293
5 Agitprop 70 7946 269
6 Sobad 70 10041 211
7 Lasthope 70 6830 186
8 Evergreen 70 5468 184
9 Typhon 70 7597 183
10 Palorin 70 10657 177
11 Gorgoblat 70 6098 172
12 Lethoric 70 5552 169
13 Flameslinger 70 4192 154
14 Lemoure 70 3898 142
15 Zlzo 70 5935 139
16 Sheyne 70 6540 130
17 Squimpled 70 4328 125
18 Telandris 70 5802 122
18 Oldcast 70 4313 122
19 Superthick 70 3340 116
20 Mythunian 70 3284 115
21 Tagilla 70 5182 83
22 Umix 70 2322 69
23 Divinicus 70 2875 65
24 Bipolar 60 2091 63
25 Boomchika 63 1098 53
26 Kheeko 62 1529 52
27 Quimera 69 2160 46
28 Izrol 70 1053 45
29 Pentolina 70 1161 43
30 Wandhero 70 1904 40
31 Crux 70 1820 39
32 Opan 70 1354 37
33 Bombur 70 1192 36
33 Lampi 70 1030 36
33 Kedros 70 1771 36
34 Alysia 70 710 34
34 Morx 70 1321 34
34 Muqali 70 1003 34
35 Whorde 70 1536 33
35 Zooz 70 1036 33
36 Snooki 60 686 31
36 Squeezle 70 1580 31
36 Mayescape 70 1185 31
37 Veloxic 70 889 29
37 Saeris 70 1703 29
37 Watk 70 1236 29
37 Jinbei 68 1882 29
38 Casanon 70 1104 28
38 Krenis 70 1181 28
38 Munte 61 1139 28
38 Masinstein 70 1083 28
39 Toriul 70 1981 27
39 Ardenuf 65 1039 27
40 Radford 70 815 26
41 Siwylamer 60 2264 25
42 Bepeeca 64 326 24
42 Paj 70 884 24
42 Claustrum 70 1039 24
42 Valorheart 70 444 24
42 Casanora 70 935 24
43 Casaprima 70 736 23
43 Trubel 70 843 23
43 Wixx 60 598 23
44 Bancodetelas 66 473 22
44 Throbbin 70 1745 22
45 Blobs 70 232 21
45 Karenina 70 1077 21
45 Klera 65 881 21
46 Hugegnome 70 421 20
46 Empresstank 67 439 20
47 Rockhard 70 1074 19
48 Eomk 70 349 18
48 Silverado 70 538 18
48 Cheina 70 602 18
48 Kynlarar 70 796 18
48 Casebolt 70 428 18
49 Felsia 60 202 16
49 Manowar 70 353 16
49 Killa 63 636 16
50 Akyri 70 488 15
50 Kalameth 70 672 15
50 Irisse 70 601 15
51 Coolnow 70 320 14
51 Msdos 70 434 14
51 Coulomb 70 809 14
51 Luckrecja 70 342 14
52 Lampe 70 334 13
52 Kaguya 64 817 13
52 Fedstone 70 1127 13
52 Raclette 70 550 13
52 Zigx 70 278 13
53 Greeb 70 477 12
53 Tso 70 113 12
53 Vanja 67 476 12
54 Oyeah 65 454 11
54 Meena 70 479 11
54 Luciola 70 719 11
54 Thno 61 471 11
55 Riddle 70 276 10