Greetings, time-travelers!
It’s been a long time coming, but… our latest dev diary is finally here!
As always, we’re excited to share updates on what we’ve been working on and what’s on the horizon. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s dive right in!
The Black Temple, not Bug Temple
It’s been a challenging year for us all, as you might know from our recent announcements. Combined with real-life struggles—work, family, and the usual ups and downs—our ability to deliver content at the quality we aim for has been impacted. Unfortunately, this led to the issues with Battle of Mount Hyjal.
We acknowledge that Hyjal didn’t meet the standards we strive for, and we understand it was disappointing for many of you. As a result, we’re re-evaluating our entire progression process to prevent repeating past mistakes. This means an extended testing and development phase to ensure everything is up to scratch.
With the Black Temple, we’re committed to reaching that golden standard once again. We plan to release it only when we’ve ironed out all major bugs and avoid the need for significant post-release fixes. This is why we haven’t set a specific release date for the Betrayer just yet, though we might be very close.
Your feedback has been invaluable. If you encounter issues during testing, please report them. You might even earn double points for your efforts!
Black Temple: Status Report
On the development front, we’ve addressed most of the reported issues. We are aware that as more people get involved with the testing process, more issues will be reported, and we are eager to address them so we can speed up the release. As it stands, few issues remain, and we’re also working on an overhaul for Illidan Stormrage, which should be ready in the next couple of weeks.
We’ve applied the first set of tuning changes to the PTR. Check it out and let us know your thoughts and suggestions.
In summary, we’re focusing on resolving the last remaining issues and fine-tuning the raid. That’s all that’s left to do!
Tuning Transparency Efforts
Many of you have asked for greater transparency in tuning values, and we’ve listened. You can now view all current changes here:
This repository contains the database values we’re using. We may move this information to a different module in the future, but we’ll keep you updated if that happens.
The Return of Mythics
The Mythic difficulty mode is making a return with the Black Temple! It will follow the same rules and structure as in previous raids like Magtheridon’s Lair and Gruul’s Lair (same costs, but sorry hunters, Warglaives of Azzinoth will not be available at the Mythic reward exchanger).
We’re not adding support for previous raids at this time, but it’s something we might consider in the future as we continue updating our scripts.
We hope this brings an enjoyable experience for all, whether you’re looking for an easy run or a challenging journey.
And… What About the Survey?
We’re still working on implementing changes from our latest player survey, including increased XP/gold for low-level RDF and more badges in raids. Expect an update on these changes as soon as next week. Stay tuned!
It’s Happy Hour… Somewhere! Brewfest Updates
Core Direbrew will be dropping level 70 items this year and will also receive a stat boost to make him more challenging. We’ve got some cool surprises in store, so keep an eye out for more updates!
Chromie Needs You!
We’ve achieved incredible things with the help of our contributors, but there’s still more to be done. If you’re interested in helping us make Chromiecraft a better place for everyone, check out our latest announcements on Discord. There’s bound to be a role that’s perfect for you. Don’t be shy!
That’s all for now. We’ve got more to share, but we’ll save that for next time. Thanks for your time and happy hunting!