Dear ChromieCraft community,
The 30-39 is now available in early access!
You can become a beta tester by typing the .beta activate
in-game command. This will mark your character as a beta tester and allow it to exp further to 39. You can go and test the new content and don’t forget to report all the bugs you may find on our bug tracker! You can mark one or more of your characters as a beta tester, there is no limit.
Changed your mind? We got your back, just type .xp off
and your experience will be locked again – free of charge.
Once all major bugs affecting the 30-39 content are fixed, we will mark that content as stable and allow all players to move further by default. Remember that everyone can always decide to lock/unlock their exp using the .xp on
and .xp off
commands, for free. We support twinking and will reward any PvP bracket that has enough BG activity.
Thanks to all people who have been contributing to the project!